Social Anthropology, Ethnology and Ethnography
Ethnology is the comparative study of races (biology) and cultures. In Britain, Social Anthropology was earlier known as Ethnology.
Origin – Started in European and American universities. Came up as independent discipline.
- The word ethnology comes from the Greek work ethnos meaning “people” & logia, meaning “study of”.
Nature of Discipline
Different from ethnography, it was much wider canvases, with more wider coverage and wide gamete of historical experience.
- it talked about cultural as well as biological aspect of human beings.
- It also takes about human variation & diversity – in terms of race, language, culture
- Ethnologists classify people on the basis of their distribution.
- It looks people from an Eric point of view.
- It is narrative, historical and comparative.
- It can also be c/l as historical study as it talks of historical migration, climate, population movement, evolution of language, considers historical sites.
- It uses a comparative approach to analyse culture (because of this, in much of the 20th C, Social anthropologists concentrated most on ethnography, while cultural Ⓟ consented most on ethnology.
- It need not be based on primary data, so also doesn’t require close relation with people, it can also be b/o ethnographies.
- It studies cultures at different times and it different places.
- Ethnologists often conc on specific sub fields of anthropology
- Three types of ethnology – (1). Evolutionary ethnology (2). comparative ethnology (3). Comparative Ethnology.
- Historical ethnology deals with ethnohistories, these look at how a particular culture has changed over time.
Define ethnography and present a brief history of ethnographic studies ? (2019)
Ethnography refers to the practice of conducting a long-term, detailed study of a community. A written report b/o this type of detailed observation of a community is also referred to as an ethnography.
Conducting an ethnography allows researchers to obtain a great detail of information about the group they are studying; however, this research method is also time- and labor-intensive.
Features of Ethnography
- Centrally it contains socio-cultural aspects.
- Concert with contemporary society or societies of immediate past.
- Location is precise, mainly focused on immediate observable location
- Not comparative ; as it is holistically focus on one particular society , event or aspect of society.
- It developed as a part of colonial agenda.
Brief History of Ethnographic Studies
Difference Between Ethnology and Ethnography
These were present at the time when social anthropology was emerging.
- Ethnology is concerned with both cultural and biological aspects, but ethnography is mainly focused on cultural aspects.
- Ethnology is more historical, with wide gamut of historical experiences but ethnography was concerned with contemporary societies.
- The location of studies were changing in ethnology but not in ethnography
- Comparative ethnology tends to be more theoretical compared to ethnography, which tends to be more descriptive.
- Starting of ethnography was due to colonial agenda ; but ethnology has intellectual agenda.
Social Anthropology
Origin of Social Anthropology
- In early 20th century – modern social anthropology emerged.
- The term, social anthropology, came up in British studies – by Redclife Brown. He believe that it is a natural science of society i.e science of social entity.
- It was come with the imagination that it could overcome following challenges
- Of moving away from ideographic Science (particularistic Science) to nomothetic Science (Law generating science) i.e making it universalising science.
- The challenge of conjectural, sceptical and speculative history.
Features of Social Anthropology
- Comparative studies are also part of social anthropology
- It can also be historical
Ethnology and Social Anthropology
- Ethnology takes into account historical, social and biological aspects with cross cultural perspective ; but social anthropology take into account only social historical canvases & structural and functional aspects, mainly with objective of law generation.
- So, social anthropology has not retained the integration (only linguistic and archaeology) as ethnology (it has more scope of integration (of bio, language & cultural, historical)
Ethnography and Social Anthropology
- Social anthropology is also concerned about competitive studies ; but in ethnography there was no concept of comparison.
- Ethnography was also devoid of theoretical concept, mainly based on evolution. It conjectural historically aspect of it was highly rejected by anthropologists
Relation with Sociology
Introduction – “Sociology is the Scientific Study of Society, Social relationships including Pattern of Social Communication, and Culture”. Where as Anthropology is a biological & social science. It deals on the one hand with man as a member of animal Kingdom and on the other with man’s behaviour as a member of society
Views of Few Scholars
- A/t R.C Brown – Anthropology is nothing but comparative sociology.
- A/c to Raymond Firth – Anthropology is like micro-sociology as studies microcosm like corporate, university, tribal society
- Kroeber c/l these as “Twin Sisters”
- Their similarity is in their interest in Social ogr & behaviour.
- The basic raw material & tool for the study of sociocultural Anthropology is social relationships.
- Comparative study of social structure : for socialist they have little scope of comparison yet they can generalise, since they can compare b/w different modern societies
- They have much common theoretical approaches, so they usually found in the same dept in University.
Sociology & Social Anthropology have highly influenced each other.
- Ex- the ideology of Emile Durkheim, a sociologist, has greatly influenced the doctrines of anthropologists like Malinowski & Rc Brown.
- Hoebel has stated very clearly that “Sociology & Social Ⓐ in their broad senses, are one & the same”
- Evans prichards” has written that” Social Ⓐ can, therefore be regarded as a branch of Sociological studies, a branch which chiefly devotes itself to the study of Primitive societies.
Social anthropology helping sociology:
- Sociology has taken the ideas of cultural field; cultural apparatus, cultural lag etc. form social anthropology and developed them further.
- Basic personality type discovery of Ralph Linton & Abraham Kardiner have greatly influenced sociologists.
- Applied viewpoint of study of culture is special contribution of Malinowski to sociology.
- Discoveries of Ruth Benedict have been very helpful in studying various sociological problems about national character.
Physical anthropology and sociology
- has exerted great influence on various problems of sociology. It has been proved from ethnological discoveries of Franz Boas and Otto Kleinberg that physical characteristics have nothing to do with the mental special featuresand that the influence of environment is the chief cause for mental differences.
- Ⓐ has also helped sociology by disproving the ideas of racism. Maclaver & other sociologists have attached great importance to this contribution of anthropology.
Differences: Though the discipline of social-anthropology have developed in close association with sociology and borrowed concepts from them it does not mean that social anthropology is a branch of sociology. As Zoology and Botany are biological sciences originated from same but they have their separate identity, similarly sociology & social anthropology are not same as they differ from each other in terms of methodology & extent of study.
Parameter | Anthropology | Sociology |
Concerned with | simple and complex society ; with focus on primitive society | complex or western society (rural and urban society) mainly I.e civilised society |
Aspect of study | studies Social, economic, cultural etc | studies social r/l & social interaction alone |
Methodology | filed work to generate data (participate observations) | Collect data with 2° tech such questionnaire, survey and schedule, collection of document & generation of statical data |
Holistic & specific | holistic studies of primitive community | specific problem of the society |
Philosophical approach | Theological inputs are relatively less | Heavy dose of social philosophy & theoretical approach |
Comparison | Global comparison→ anthropology ; Sporadic, episodic in sociology |
Anthropology is unique & holistic discipline studying society of man in totally in terms of space & time whereas sociology is part study.
Relation with Psychology
Introduction – Psychology has two varients – General or individual psychology and Social psychology. Both are related to Social Anthropology.
Relation – Psychology means studing ” individual behaviour” Whereas Socio-Cultural Anthropology concentrates a collective behaviour.
- Psychology Studies effect of internal environment (mind) on the behaviour of the individual whereas socio Cultural Anthropology Studies effect of external environment (Culture & etc). On the behaviour of the individual as a part of society.
- Both tries to understand man in the context of Social behaviour
- E.B. Tylor & L.H. Morgan used the concept of “Psychic Unity” to explain origin & evolution of Culture in various institutions of society.
- Franz Boas depended on sociocultural factors to explain the behaviour of man in society.
- Ruth Bendict Study of Japanese Culture & concept of culture pattern, Margaret Mead Study of Somoas and Co-ra-cu-Bois in Alove islanders used ” pycho analytic techniques to define personalities.
- Lewis established the role of psychology in understanding “the ethnology of primitive people” Eg. the tribals of South Gujrat are influenced by Devi movement which is a clear case of the relationship of social psychology & Social Anthropology.
- Inter-relationship in a primitive society owes much to the psychological conditioning of the people in that society. Ex Historically, tribals have been exploited by moneylenders & traders. Therefor tribals considers caste of Hindus are their enemies.
- Traditionally Ⓟ have been using behavioural techniques of psychology in their field work.
- scope of Anthropology is universal whereas scope of psychology is limited. Anthropology is a whole sciencewhereas psychology is part science.
- Psychologist considers tribals culture as uniform & universal whereas Ⓟ consider each & every tribal culture to be diverse & unique.
- Psychologist uses psycho – analytic techniques at stimulate whereas, Ⓟ primarily use field work tradition
Conclusion – Recently, emergence of socio-biology in Ⓐ & social psychology in psychology has brought these disciplines close to each other.
Relation with Life Science
Life sciences studies about Botany, Zoology whereas Anthropology is concerned about Humans in totality. Though they have some similarities & some differences as well
- Anthropology has emerged from life sciences.
- Both have same criteria of taxonomy
- Both study human as part of animal kingdom
- Both study in evolution of mankind
- Both depends on geology, physics & chemistry to determine chronology & age
- Both are concentrated
- Both sciences believe in influence of environment in physical variations & evolutions.
- Study of genetics – evolution, differentiation, inheritance etc
- Mendal’s laws of inheritance applies to both
Parameters | Anthropology | Life Science |
Age | Younger | older |
Subject matter | culture, society, Economics & Evolution | Only life / Biological Process |
Methodology | society is laboratory | Examine specimens in labs |
Techniques | field work tradition , language, religion | Tissue culture, cloning, practical’s |
Conclusion – Although Anthropology emerged from life sciences, it is not part science. These both are universal & holistic in there respective perspectives as life science study life on earth in holistically where as the Anthropology study life of human holistically. New emerging field like astro-life science are helping to understand more clearly have life may have originated on earth by comparing evidences from other plants.
Relation with Medical Sciences
Introduction – Medical science deals with preventions, diagnosis & treatment as part of management of diseases. Since human health is understood from the perspective of biology and culture, physical & sociocultural Anthropology are associated with medical science. But there are also some differences b/w Anthropology & medical sciences.
Medical Anthropology is aa subfield of cultural Anthropology that focuses on the ways in which cultures & societies organise & view health / illness, medicines & other treatment.
- Ackerknecht, 1942 series of paper on “Primitive Medicine” provdided guideline for conducting research on Indigenous system of medicine.
- Role of Ⓐ to psychosomatic medicine by – Henry & Margret Mead in 1947.
- Clements – tried to trace the worldwide distribution of 5 basic concepts of disease, namely sorcery, breach of taboo, object intrusion, spirit intrusion & soul loss.
Interdependence of Ⓐ on Medical Science
- The concept of disease & well-being are culturally determined. E.g some of the tribal people don’t consider themselves as sick as long as they are not bed ridden.
- Ⓐ helps medical science in diagnosing the cause of disease which are inherent in culture of people. E.x Kotia Tribe high maternal mortality rate (MMR) due to use of cow dung & unhygienic delivery practices.
- Ⓐ helps medical science in ways to understand the culture of community to improve acceptance & penetration of modern medicine.
- The traditional knowledge of tribal helps in identification of preventive & curative herbs.
- Ex Kano Tribe living in Nilgiri uses herbs for increasing resistance to disease (immunity)
- Tulasi (basil) leaves along with honey is used to cure common cold.
- Ethno botany & Primitive Pharmacopia
- Some Cultural practices of Sahalia tribals of MP, Chattishgarh, Rajastan help in development of Contraceptive medicine through locally available herbs.
- Dermotographic knowledge (dermtoglyphics) of physical Ⓐ helped in development of forensic medicine.
- physical Ⓐ has found out the causes behind the hereditary character of diseases which benefitted medical sciences.
- Both Ⓐ & medical Sciences uses genetic engineering & Bio-Tech studies in order to protect & promote human health.
- A knowlege of Nutritional Studies helps prevention of Malnutrition.
- Margaret Mead Role of Cultural Ⓐ to care psychosomatic disorders in medicines.
- Blood group typing, HAL System are used by both & Medical
- Knowledge of Anatomy & Anthropometry helps in applied anthropdogy
Parameters | Anthropology | Medical Science |
Focus | on traditional system of medicine | on modern system of medicine |
Methodology studying disease pattern | in holistic manner taking amt social & cultural practise, economic behaviour, religious practices, beliefs & attitudes etc | in atomistic & part manner |
The modern culture lays greeters stress upon scientific medicine as opposed to folk or indigenous medicine. However one can’t forget that socio-cultural forces play a large part in determining the meaning of illness, the function of illness & ways of counteracting illness.
Conclusion : Thus, though medical Science & are different disciplines they barrow knowledge from each other to enrich their overall understanding about various aspects of human health. Human Heath thus is not product of biology but also that of culture.
Relation with Earth Science
Earth sciences includes geography & geology.
Relation Between Geography & Anthropology
Introduction – Geography has two dimension one is physical & other is Human
- Physical Geography – studies about landforms, environment & climate
- Human Geography – deals with culture, economics, polity etc
As human being is biological being. Therefor he is influenced by various aspects of plant earth. Therefor geography & Anthropology show some relationship.
- In Archaeological Anthropology – as AA tried to reconstruct & explain to the climate of prehistoric time on the basis of tools & artefacts leftover by man. Thus associated.
- With Physical Ⓐ
- studies climate & its impact on human being. About adaptation to various climatic conditions such as desert, extreme cold & high altitude.
- Also both the discipline study race & its distribution thr-out the world.
- Socio-Cultural Ⓐ
- Julian Steward first to advocate r/l b/w culture & environment → concept of cultural Ecology ; cultural core (some domin have more stronger r/l)
- Socio cultural adaptions of human for survival at different climate region eg Igloos in cold desert, _ Inuik ;
- Long & thin dress of hot desert –
- Transmigration of nomads (Bakarwalls)
Relation with Geology
Geology means study of the nature & structural patterns of earth’s – its land forms, rock formations, various strata of earth, their formation etc.
- with Archaeological Anthropology
- Studies origin, growth & dev of culture & society of prehistoric proud thr analysis the artefacts ; & calculated thr age.
- To study fossils of man & his ancestors which are available only in sedimentary rocks which requires knowledge of rocks & their time.
- Stratigraphy – relative dating of evidences related to biological & cultural evidences of man.
- With Sociocultural Anthropology – the concept of stratification has been borrowed from geology. In geology different layers of rock/ soil are studied. This concept of layers has been studied by Ⓟ to describe stratification in human society.
Conclusion – through geography & geological knowledge Ⓟ construct chronology of human evolution, human migration development of human culture & adaption to different env & climate conditions.
Relation with History
History is defined as the chronological account of Past events of which written recolds are available of their language has been deciphered. Traditionally theme of history constitutes” emperor, rulers & elites. ie account of ruling dyasties.
- History do not record anything about preliterate people.
- Social Anthropology writes about prehistôlic people and their traditions & institutions.
- Relationship with Socio-Cultural Ⓐ –
- Diachronic Studies in Socio-Cultural Ⓐ takes into a/c change aspect of society and culture are related with histoly. It includes evolutionism & diffusionism
- Evans préchards, a British Ⓟ, – Socio-Cultural Arthropdogy is Histdiography to as great extent.
- Relationship with Biological Ⓐ
- Human evolution is one of the sub branch of Physical Ⓐ it helps in reconstruction of human histoly.
- Relationship with Archeological Ⓐ
- Archeological Ⓐ deal with prehistolic societies with the help of left over “tools & equipment
- they help in reconstruction of Social and Cultural history.
- Both Ⓐ & history studies describes human past
- Both are based on facts, written records.
- History has followed approaches of Socio-cultural Anthropology in studying modern aspect like social, cultural, economic, & religious.
Parameters | Anthropology | History |
Holistic or Part | Holistic study of Man | Part study of human, purely chronological & historical view point |
Study aspect | Studies all aspects including physical & Socio-cultural aspects of man | Studies only socio-cultural aspects |
emphasis | even today on simple societies without written record | emphasis on historical written & deciphered record |
Methodology | Primarily field studies for data collection | Depends mostly on 2° source like literacy source, historical records |
Knowledge of Lang | of community in study is necessary | is not necessary |
Conclusion – Contemporary history writing have been initiated into participant observation. Thus we can conclude that historical studies are backbone for Anthropological studies. But anthropological approach is holistic while historical approach is atomistic.
Relations with Economics
Economics is the study of allocation of scare means among rankable alternative ends.
Marthall D. Sablins is a Social anthropologist who has worked on the economy of primitive people. He has argued that for a modern Sociery money is everything & for primitive Society it is the kinship which is important.”
Malinowski → among the tribals it is an integrated part of Social & Cultural Ex – gift System anong trobriand islanders
Recently, a new branch of economic antropology has emerged in the domain of anthropology, this bring economics all more close to social anthropology.
Similarities – Economics & Social anthropology are both related to study of Production, distribution, exchange & Consumption.
Parameters | Anthropology | Economics |
Empirical | Analytical | |
Micro | Macro ( + Micro) | |
Considers Economics as part of Society. It cannot be studied separately. | Sepenate & has a distinct existence in Society. | |
Community economy | individual centers (Cost – Benefit calculations) | |
Looks economic processes from the Cultural point of view. | general economic is national. It looks at the maximisation of benefits. |